My bookbindery

Posted on in All, Bookbinding.


As of today my new book “Meine Buchbinderei” is available. For everyone who would like to try out bookbinding but wasn´t sure how to start. There are some basic information, tools I recommend and explain and every project has a step-by-step tutorial. The book starts with easy projects, in the middle are some medium-heavy ones and it ends with some a little bit tricky ones.

Grub your papers and tools around the house – and most of the needed ones you will already have in your house – get a book from the “bookworm agent” of your trust and let´s get started! And I would really love to see photos of your books and notepads and everything you made. Just write me a mail, make a comment down below or share your work on instagram and tag me. I´m thrilled to see everything and I hope you will have fun making books, experiment and learn new skills.

Liebe Grüße, Love


The calendar for 2016 is available

Posted on in All, Bookbinding, Graphic Design, Stationery.

If you are following me on Instagram you surely discovered that the calendar for 2016 is already in production. Last year the cover of the calendar was decorated with a round rubberstamp in the color old rose. For 2016 I wanted to keep this technique. But when I looked for the new rubberstamp motive I came across an old linoprint and a new idea was born. Why not printing a linocut on the cover?

SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAFrom the graphic side the linoprint should cooperate with the style I had chosen in 2015The round rubberstamp has a pattern of circles and triangles and these elements should also be in the new linoprint.SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAWhile choosing a color for the print I was looking for the possibility to print with a light color on the brown structured carboard. The decision for the white color was pretty easy.SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAWithin the linocut I worked with positive and negative elements so there will be a variety in the pattern. The elements are also inspired by my project “100 ina row”.SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAI used a cream-colored 80g/m² paper and printed the inner part in black. The upper part of every page holds the calendar. one double page shows two weeks. The date, calendar week, month and holidays are already printed. And there is a little smiley for every day where you can draw in the mouth, depending on your mood of the day.SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAThe lower part holds different boxes that can be filled in. There are two layouts that alternate. Beside shopping-lists and to-do-lists are many more that have a diary character. SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAFor example there are to fill in boxes for the word of the week, your favorite clothing and read books.SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERABut there are also boxes for rewards, seen movies, your water intake and absolved sport rounds. SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERA Not to forget the color palette of the week, your weekly goal, the success of the week and your favorite song.

The calendar is obviously for people who love to keep track of some of their day-to-day, fast changing factors of life. It will be a huge fun to look into the filled up calendar and to remember what you achieved in the year, what you learned and what crazy songs, clothings and color paletttes you loved.




A new addiction

Posted on in Art, Graphic Design, Illustrations.

new illustration #ampersand #art #artwork #drawing #illustration #typographic #typoholic #typography #lettering

A photo posted by Emadam – because I love paper (@ema_paperlove) on

I always liked to draw little leaves and twigs and everything herbal – equal real or fantasy. Even the stamps are made of some of my illustrations. But my new project let me go a little bit further and wilder with all that and I can draw plants as much as I want. And it´s so fun! It also requires that I came up with new little plants, combine different elements in a new way and just play around with them.

It all began really innocent with a paper laying around and some free time – late at night.

#illustration #art #design #typography #typographyinspired #artwork #art_spotlight #etsy #etsyfavorites

A photo posted by Emadam – because I love paper (@ema_paperlove) on

I´m going to illustrate the whole alphabet. From top to toe – I will draw little herbals in the shapes of the letters. At the moment every illustration til the I is released on Instagram. If you want to follow my progress, you are absolutely welcome! And if you want to see a specific symbol or anything like that dressed in little herbals – please let me know. Write a comment, a mail or a comment on Facebook.


