Category Archives: All

Don’t mow your lawn yet – there might be some treasures waiting for you …

Posted on in All, DIY.

Now starts the perfect time window to gather flowers for your creative projects. Before you go out and mow your grass or work in your flower beds take a look around and see if there are any cute looking flowers, grasses or leaves that you want to gather before going on with your gardening chores. Something that would end up getting mowed off or pulled anyway. And of course you can also gather some of the flowers of plants you want in your garden – just keep in mind to leave enough for pollinators and spreading seeds.

The same approach goes for gathering flowers in the wild or public space if you don‘t have a garden or just doesn‘t have anything blooming in it. If you can: Ask for persmission and then gather responsibly.

For example the yellow flowers you see in the pictures are the flowers of a garden thug that is hard to control. We have to pull a lot of it every year otherwise it would take over EVERYTHING and destroy all the variety we try to build up for bumble bees, butterflies and everyone else. Before pulling some of the plants I gathered a few flowers and put them, with some parchment paper, in a book and let them dry.

Here are some tips for you if you want
to gather and dry some flowers too:

  1. Gather flowers that are dry, without
    rainwater, morning dew or any other kind of
    moisture on them.
    That makes the drying process way more difficult and also can lead to mold.
  2. Flowers that are delicate and thin are easier to dry than flowers that are very thick. For example pansies, poppies and hydrangeas always dry up very good with lovely colors. Dahlias on the other hand tend to mold in the middle because of their thickness. However you can dry the individual petals of a dahlia and might be surprised how intense the colors are.
  3. When drying and pressing flowers you might think the more pressure the better. I made the experience that to much pressure is bad and flattens out everything so much that it‘s hard to work with. Especially delicate flowers. So I recommend putting enough pressure on it that it gets pressed but not so much that you can see a ghost through the dried flower. ;)
  4. You don‘t really need special equipment for drying and pressing flowers. I use some regular parchment paper (optional) and old heavy books – that‘s all. Just make sure to use a piece of parchment paper on top and bottom of each flower load. If you don‘t use parchment paper your books can get stained from the flowers. If you don‘t mind, leave away the parchment paper.

On top of my filled book I put a couple more books and then just let everything to dry for a week or two. Depends on the weather (with more humidity it might take longer) and what kind of flowers you‘re pressing.

Other options for drying and pressing are a bookpress (careful with the pressure here), some stacks of wooden boards, cardboard or you get one of those fancy flower presses which is nothing else than wooden boards with some finnboard in between and a „belt“ around it that you use to apply pressure. I never tried one of them so I can‘t tell you how good they work. But I‘ve seen other people use them and they get the same results as I with my books so decide for yourself. And if you need your pressed flowers in a short time put your flowers between two sheets of waxed paper, put a tea towel on top and use your iron to dry them. You may have to play around with the settings to get it right. Too low and it won‘t work, too high and you might get brown/dark spots. So start somewhere in the middle and adjust from there.

  1. And the last tip: Not every flower might come out the way you think. Some completely change colors (for better or for worse). I had that happening with tulip petals and poppies and they looked absolutely gorgeous. Some might loose a lot of their color and only have a pastel color left and some might get brown and ugly. You can sometimes prevent the last one from happening when being careful when you pick them but not every flower works the same.

Some of my favorite flowers to press and use in projects are: Pansies, daisies, hydrangea, sweetpeas, poppies, anemones, forget-me-nots, cosmos, babies breath, delphinium, calendula.

And by far my favorite wax seal to combine them with is my „dotted circle“ wax seal. I designed it especially for something like this: where you want to show of something in the middle but still want some imprint of the wax seal itself. Like the design of the wax seal is framing the flower in the center.

I hope you enjoyed this little field trip into the world of pressed flowers and I would love to see your creations when you try it out!

I wish you a great day and a happy weekend!

Much love,

Tutorial: Christmas card with dried flowers

Posted on in All, DIY, Rubberstamps, Stationery.

Hey guys, let’s make an easy christmas card with some dried flowers and a piece of ribbon.

First you want to cut your piece of dried flower to the size you want and optional, give it some color or glitter by dapping some on. I like to dap some color/glitter on the top of each branch so you have a little sparkle but you can see the original color on the rest of the branches. Set the flower aside and let it dry.

I used off-white cardstock as my base and cut a piece of light brownish cardstock to size to use as my second layer. I always cut the second layer a little bit smaller than my base so I get a nice border when attaching it to the base later.

With a candy cane stamp and some white stamp ink, I stamped a simple pattern on my second layer and added a piece of ribbon to it, which I attached with double-sided adhesive tape.

On a smaller piece of the off-white cardstock I stamped “Frohe Weihnachten” (which means “Merry christmas” in german) in a light brown ink and to give it an interesting shape I cut off all four corners of my banner. On the back I used some double-sided adhesive foam rubber.

Use a dap of glue – I used bookbinding glue – to secure your flower piece to your card, hold it in place and adhere your banner over the cut end of your flower piece.

Put some glue (again I’m using bookbinding glue but you can also use the double-sided adhesive tape you used for the ribbon or a glue stick) on the back of your second layer and adhere it onto your base card.

Your card is ready to make someone else happy!



New notepads

Posted on in All, Bookbinding, Graphic Design, Packaging Design, Stationery, Typography.

The last days I designed some new notepads. Some of the designs will look familiar because they are already available as a stamp, like the small perpetual circle. Others are brand new. Besides the standard DIN format there are a lot notepads of unusual formats available – just because I love stuff that is unusual. Not everything has to be a DIN standard, right?

Now nothing stands in the way of stylish notes. Enjoy a lot of variety in your planner, journal, diary and scrapbook.

The smallest ones of my notepads are the ticket notepads. They come in a lot of different colours and every colour has it’s own design. The biggest notepads are the DIN A4 notepads. The newest addition to those is a notepad with beautiful letter paper. It has a oval in the middle where you can write down your letter and an endless tendril pattern that was drawn by hand, that flows around it.

In the video you can see the following notepads: The notepad “perpetual square” in which you can playfully add a date and time in the top part of it and use the rest of the space for a note. After that you see the “from-to-message” notepad where you also have the option to fill in a date and a recipient and a message in the graph paper section. The “magenta quilt-ruling” is a pink-coloured notepad that doesn’t have a standard format or standard ruling. The forth notepad is named “small perpetual circle” where you can also put in a date in the design and have lots of space for notes, love notes or ideas. The last notepad in the video is named “meet with” and is a minimalistic version of a notepad.

Although I like these new notepads very much, I can promise that they won’t be the last designs I make. Altogether we don’t want to get bored in our analogue love for paper!



Sealing a small package

Posted on in All, Art, DIY, Packaging Design, Rubberstamps, Stationery, Work in progress.

No matter if it’s a small or a big package – sealing them with wax is so much fun! In this video I packed up a notecard set in a semi-transparent paperbag, decorated it with a piece of an old bookpage, some rubber stamps and a red/white twine and sealed it with a black wax seal were I put a small flake of roségolden metal on.

Because of the roségolden metal flake some of the details of the seal get a little bit lost but I don’t think it derogates it.



Small illustration

Posted on in All, Art, Graphic Design, Illustrations, Rubberstamps, Stationery, Work in progress.

I made a timelapse video of a small tassel illustration. Unfortunately the end of the video is missing because I was so concentrated on drawing that my smartphone slipped out of my hand. But I think you get a small glance at how my illustration work looks like.

Later I scanned the illustration in high-resolution and made a stamp out of it.



Freebie: Pattern with christmas stockings

Posted on in All, DIY, Freebies, Graphic Design, Illustrations, Pattern, Stationery.

The last few days I have repeatedly drawn christmas stockings to provide a new freebie for you guys. From a lot of christmas stockings I now made a pattern that you can download, print and use as wrapping paper.

Of course you can do much more with the pattern. You can make small bags, envelopes, cards or use it as a cover for a booklet. You also can use it as a coloring page or a mood tracker. Or you cut out the single chistmas stockings and make a garland out of them to decorate a table in your home.In addition to a neutral black version of the pattern – which is particularly suitable for a coloring page – there are different single- and multicolored versions of the pattern available. I already used my first prints as wrapping paper for small gifts.

Have fun printing and coming up with your own ideas on how to use the pattern. And I hope some of you will show your creations on instagram or elsewhere.



New autumn rubberstamps

Posted on in All, Art, Graphic Design, Illustrations, Rubberstamps, Stationery.

Autumn is fast approaching and this year I’m prepared! At least as far as for having autumn-like rubberstamps for decorating my snailmail. For some time mushroom illustrations have been increasing in my sketchbooks. Some of them are now available as rubberstamps, so you can celebrate autumn with your snailmail friends as well.In total, there are eight new mushroom rubberstamps. All created from my own illustrations. What I’m doing with the rest of the illustrations or if I’m even doing anything with them is not decided yet. Ofen I draw simply because of drawing and not for developing a product out of my illustrations.However, I can imagine making a whole mushroom stationery set with them. Containing rubberstamps, notepads, stationery paper, envelopes, wrapping paper, stickers, banderoles and more. Until I put this idea into concrete terms, I play around with the new rubberstamps for a little while.




Weekly pattern

Posted on in All, Art, Freebies, Illustrations, Pattern, Stationery, Work in progress.


I made a seamless vectorbased pattern out of my blue brushstroke pattern from last week. With the vectorization I reduced the colors to six colors only. So there are six shades of blue in the pattern. On the one hand I liked the effect the reduction has but on the other hand I had to reduce the colors because with to many colors the number of anchorpoints can really go out of control if you don’t do that. You don’t always have to use just six colors. It really depends on your pattern and of course the performance of your computer.

I made a new arrangment with the strokes. This a little bit uncontrolled than it was in the original. And because there are never enough free patterns out there I made four versions for you to download. The blue and rose pattern are landscape format and the green and grey are portrait format. They are all made for a A3 print. Bind some books with them, wrap gifts or make other cool stuff with it!

Of course you can print the pattern in any size you want. Just choose your favorite format in the printer dialogue. If you resize the pattern with your paper format the printer will make the pattern smaller so it fits on your format. If you want the pattern to have the original size, you have to check or uncheck the box for that option in your printer dialogue.

Please resepct that every pattern is just for personal use only. Have fun and you’re welcome to share your creations by making a comment, write a message on facebook or link me at instagram.




Summer-Sale 2016

Posted on in All.

There is a summer-sale for stamps going on in my shop. You can save up to 20%. So grab your loose money and fill the shopping cart! The stock is limited because I don’t have a big warehouse.

Please be generous and share this sale information with your family and friends so everybody has a chance to get something out of it.

Have fun shopping!


